
Physics Alert Science Articles

Scientists found new fossil in the heart of Australia

Scientists from Australian Museum (AM), University of New South Wales (UNSW) and University of Canberra have discovered a new fossil site in New South...

Scientists discover massive sea predator from Triassic period

Scientists have found out the largest animal that has ever lived in the ocean. New research has discovered that the animal was a Triassic...

Dinosaur embryo was preparing to hatch like a bird

Scientists discovered an exquisitely preserved dinosaur embryo from 66 million years ago. It was preparing to hatch from its egg just like a chicken....

Isotope analyses discovers secrets of Iron age

Scientists are unlocking secrets about Early Iron Age trade routes by lead isotope analyses of ancient copper ingots. They are discovering indigenous Mediterranean communities’...

Skeleton found in Caribbean Island shows sign of leprosy

In the western hemisphere, researchers unearthed some skeletons on an uninhabited Caribbean Island. In some of the skeleton’s researchers found signs of leprosy. Researchers...

SA187 bacteria helps plant to tolerate salt

Researchers form King Abdullah University of Science and Technology found out interplay of bacteria and sulfur can excite biotechnologies that will enable crops to...

Wheat fertility will be increased by gene-editing

John Innes Centre has found a gene named ZIP4 has profound effect on the production of seeds of wheat. The researchers have used Gene-editing...

Single protein controls ants’ switch form workers to queens

Harpegnathos saltator, is a type of species of ants, that do something very unusual with themselves, depending on an outcome of any social conflict....

Researchers discovered dinosaur species in Greenland

A team of international researchers from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg have discovered the two-legged dinosaur Issi saaneq that lived in Greenland about 214 million...