Images created by combining Chandra Observatory X-ray data with preliminary James Webb Space Telescope data have been shared by NASA scientists.

In addition to being stunning, the photographs reveal details about some of the universe's most intricate astrophysical processes.

Each new telescope that we establish on Earth or launch into orbit provides a fresh view into phenomena that we otherwise wouldn't be able to see.

Because of this, astronomers are able to see inside the cores of dense dust clouds, such as those that encircle young stars.

Infrared radiation is the main focus of the James Webb Space Telescope which enables astronomers to look at dense dust clouds that surround young stars.

Warm objects emit infrared radiation, which does a great job of flowing through gas clouds without being absorbed or scattered.

The Chandra C-ray Observatory is located at the opposite end of the energy spectrum. The X-ray radiation provides information on the functioning of these high energy systems.

Some of the cosmos's most intense phenomena, such as supernovae and pulsars, create X-rays.

The infrared shows us where warm things are hidden by dust clouds, whereas the X-ray radiation shows us where high energy activities are occurring.

A wavy cloud sits above the two galaxies in the centre. Chandra has disclosed a shockwave that would not otherwise be apparent.