As a solution to Einstein's field equations for his theory of general relativity, Karl Schwarzchild proposed the possibility of black holes in 1916.

By the middle of the 20th century, astronomers had developed indirect methods for the first time, which involved examining the impacts of black holes on the objects and space around them.

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs), which are found in the heart of the majority of the universe's massive galaxies, have been the subject of scientific study since the 1980s.

The first photograph of an SMBH was published by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) consortium in April 2019.

A worldwide scientific team observed a sun-like star with peculiar orbital properties using data from the ESA's Gaia Observatory.

The researchers came to the conclusion that it must be a component of a black hole binary star system based on the characteristics of its orbit.

Roughly 1 billion astronomical objects, including stars, planets, comets, asteroids, and galaxies, have been measured by this project over the course of nearly ten years.

The Gaia project seeks to build the most precise 3D space catalogue ever built by tracing the motion of objects as they orbit the Milky Way's centre.

Through examination, they discovered a G-type (yellow star) known as Gaia DR3 4373465352415301632, which they named Gaia BH1 for their purposes.

This star must have a black hole binary companion based on its observed orbital solution.