The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope became one of the primary instruments used by Breakthrough Listen and organizations engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Twelve exoplanets were recently examined for evidence of technological activity by an international team of researchers from the SETI Institute and Breakthrough Listen.

They timed their observations to correspond with the planets passing in front of their sun from the observer's perspective, thereby making a transit.

Although the scan found no conclusive proof of technosignatures, it did find two radio signals that are worth further investigation.

The discipline of SETI could be greatly expanded by this new method, opening up a variety of new research prospects.

With the development of next-generation radio telescopes and novel data processing methods, the field of SETI has significantly expanded in recent years.

Techno signatures that researchers might be on the lookout for are also expanding, with suggestions ranging from gravitational waves and directed energy to neutrinos.

The most sought-after technosignature is still radio emissions, and radio surveys have advanced dramatically as a result of technology and cutting-edge computational methods.

It is still difficult to find evidence of man-made radio waves; it takes strong arrays, a lot of observational time, and a lot of dedication and persistence from research teams.

The majority of the search space, both in terms of actual physical space and potential categories of techno signatures, remains undiscovered.