
Tag: pollinators

Climate change negatively impacting bumblebees, study finds

Temperature changes have harmed the majority of bumblebee species over the last 120 years, according to new research published this week in Biology Letters. Temperature changes, the researcher note, had a greater negative impact than other factors such as precipitation or floral resources. "Bumblebees are...

Red nectar shows promise as a natural colorant

There are only 70 plants that have secrete colored nectars. The colors lure in pollinators. This made scientists interested to search for natural colorant options. Scientists from University of Minnesota have sorted out how plants produced distinctive red nectar. The study has been published in...

Sunflowers’ invisible colors help them attract bees

According to a new UBC research, the ultraviolet colours of sunflowers not only attract pollinators, but also help the plant regulate water loss. The dense collection of yellow petals of a sunflower has an ultraviolet bullseye pattern which is invisible to humans but not to...